Mount Kilimanjaro - Lemosho Route

Tour Details

Mount Kilimanjaro - Lemosho Route

Safari at a Glance

Safari Highlight

Mount Kilimanjaro - Lemosho Route

We offer a seven-day and an eight-day climb to the summit of Kilimanjaro using the Lemosho route. Both offer good acclimatization and wonderful views en route. This route has a beautiful approach through the forest on the first day through the Lemosho Glades from the west before joining the Machame trail at the Shira Plateau and contouring around the dramatic southern flank of the mountain via Barranco Camp, Karanga Camp and then on to Barafu camp for the summit push. The descent is via Millennium Campand through Mweka Gate.

The Lemosho Route is a camping trip for an average group size of 4 using top-quality mountain tents, comfortable mattresses, qualified guides, porters who carry the bags and equipment, and cooks who provide fresh, tasty food every day. The ratio of guide climbers is 1:2. Our local guides have been with us for many years and are all trained, qualified, experienced, and great fun.

The eight-day option has a particularly good summit success rate; the extra day makes a difference in how you feel, and three nights are sleeping at the same altitude. The seven-day option is about a 95% summit success rate, and we don't offer anything less because it is too dangerous to consider climbing Kilimanjaro in 6 days.

We provide an experienced personal service throughout, and you can chat with us in the office about the climb. Gavin has been guiding the mountain since 1994 and makes several ascents a year, and we have been using the same team of guides and cooks since 2001.

The park introduced Lemosho to handle increasing numbers of visitors, and Lemosho indeed has a slightly easier gradient through the forest and onto the Shira plateau. However, the gate at Londorossi is further away than Machame Gate, so on the first morning, you have to drive for about three hours to register at the Londorossi Gate and then drive a little further on to the start of the trek. This means normally beginning to trek after lunch, although the first hike to Big Tree Camp is quite short, at just a few hours.


The Lemosho route is around 70 km or 42 miles whether you opt for the seven or 8-day version. It joins up with the Machame Route between Shira and Barranco, so the terrain is very similar.


Big Tree Camp and Millennium Camps are on the tree line and have a number of campsites set in small clearings in the forest. You will see a central ranger station and a number of drop-hole latrines. Mobile coverage here, and it is quite easy to descend back to the gate if necessary.

Shira Plateau 1 & 2 are situated on different sides of the vast Shira plateau, which is a volcanic spill-off from the last explosion some 100,000 years ago. Open and exposed and often dusty with smaller, more fragile plants amongst the rocks. Latrines and Ranger huts are around, and the area is so huge that it is easy to have some privacy. Depending on your route choice (7 or 8-day versions), you may spend one or two nights on the plateau.

Barranco Camp is in a big clearing at the head of the steep valley that drops down into the Umbwe route. It has dramatic cliffs around and right below the ice fields of Kibo, which is a stunning location for a camp. 

Karanga Camp is a very open camp on the side of a hillside with great views of the summit massif and the expanse of land beyond the mountain. Many people go directly from Barranco to Barafu, so Karanga is traditionally a bit of a halfway stop, but there are still latrines and a Ranger hut here.

Barafu, meaning 'ice,' is no longer covered in permanent snow; it is cold, rocky, and exposed. People definitely feel the altitude here, and you can expect snow and sometimes high wind. The campsites are dotted amongst nooks and crannies in the rocks, perched on a sort of ridge.



Where You Will Visit

This safari explores the following regions in Tanzania

  • Mt. Kilimanjaro
Description & Days Itinerary

What to do in this one day tour


  • Day 1 is the arrival in Tanzania as advertised on the booking page (or your custom dates)
  • Day 2 is for resting, hydrating, and briefing, with time to pick up rental items and buy any snacks in town.
  • Days 3 to 9 is the climb period (arriving back in the hotel by mid-afternoon). If we break these seven days down:
            3. Moshi to Londorossi Gate and hike to Big Tree Camp
            4. Big Tree Camp to Shira Camp (normally the second higher one)
            5. Shira Camp to Barranco Camp
            6. Barranco Camp to Karanga Valley Camp
            7. Karanga Valley Camp to Barafu Camp
            8. Baradu Camp to Uhuru Peak and descend via Barafu down to Millennium Camp or Mweka Camp
            9. Descend to Mweka Gate and transfer back to the hotel.
  • Day 10 is departure day or the start of any safari. 

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