Beginner’s Guide To Bird Watching In Kenya

Ksh 1000.00

Course goals/objectives

  • Discover the Diverse Birds Species in Kenya
  • Bird Identification Strategies
  • Get to Know Birds in your area
  • Birdwatching Through the Seasons
  • Learn Bird Behaviors to Look for and What to Listen to
  • Birds Habitats, and why they depend on specific Habitats 
  • Recording and Sharing Your Bird Sightings
  • Conservation & Graduation

Beginner’s Guide To Bird Watching In Kenya

Bird watching is an outdoor activity that people of all ages can enjoy. The sound of birds chirping in the morning is enough to make anyone feel alive. Suppose you’re looking for more Outdoor ways to enjoy nature, reduce stress, or have a happier and healthier life. In that case, this course could be just what your body needs!

The beauty of birds is everywhere, but how many of us notice them? The best thing about birdwatching is not complicated or expensive. Birdwatching is not just about spotting birds. We’re talking about an experience that will enrich your life in many ways, including health benefits such as stress reduction, better sleep quality, and more energy!

Learn the tools you need to find, Identify, and connect with birds. This course covers everything you need to know before getting started with birdwatching! You’ll learn how easy it is to begin identifying them by sight, sound, and behavior, as well as what kind of binoculars are best suited for beginner birders. This knowledge will help you make the most out of every trip outdoors! 

Lesson 1: Discover the Diverse Birds Species in Kenya

There are about 1149 confirmed species as of August 2021. and many have unique and surprising abilities. Explore the world of bird diversity and learn the significant grouping of birds in Kenya.

Venue: Karura Forest; Walking Tour 

Price: Self Drive Option 1100

Group Transport 2000


Lesson 2: Bird Identification Strategies

Gain the confidence to identify a variety of birds with these easy tips! Learn about size and shape, color pattern, or markings. The habitat of birds is a crucial factor in the bird identification process.

Venue: Nairobi National Park, Game Drive Tour

Price: Group Transport 3000

Lesson 3: Get to Know Birds in your area

Learn how to harness the array of powerful tools available for finding birds in your area and connecting with other birdwatchers. This lesson will teach you tips, techniques, and more about using field guide books, and Identification apps.

Venue: Karura Forest; Walking Tour 

Price: Self Drive Option 1100

Group Transport 2000

Lesson 4: Birdwatching Through the Seasons

Have you ever wondered why birds can be so different from one season to the next? Learn about their annual cycle and what they do in-between seasons. You will learn why some birds migrate across continents and some stay in their habitats.

Venue: Ololua Nature trail; Walking Tour 

Price: Self Drive Option 1100

Group Transport 2000

Lesson 5: Learn Bird Behaviors to Look for and What to Listen to

Birdwatching is a rewarding hobby, but it can be more enjoyable if you know their behavior patterns. There are many different birds out there, and knowing how they act will help us identify them faster! Their calls and sounds are some of the things we will be learning. 

Venue: Ngong Forest Sanctuary; Walking Tour 

Price: Self Drive Option 1300

Group Transport 2500

Lesson 6: Birds Habitats, and why they depend on specific Habitats 

This lesson will provide you with a guide to finding birds based on where they live and the type of environment that attracts them most. Some birds are almost everywhere, while others are only in particular locations. You will learn the reason for this. Bushes, shrubs, and forests might also give us clues about searching for these feathered friends. 

Venue: Nairobi National Park, Game Drive Tour

Price: Group Transport 3000

Lesson 7: Recording and Sharing Your Bird Sightings

This lesson comes with a double blessing as it will prompt and test your photography and drawing skills. Learn how to capture and share your Birds’ sightings. 

Parents taking this lesson with their kids should get them outside to connect with nature and its secrets. Let the children have the opportunity to take charge of their learning as they indulge in the quest to search for the answers to the questions that matter to them. Give them drawing or painting materials to draw what they spot during Bird watching lessons. 

Venue: Karura Forest; Walking Tour 

Price: Self Drive Option 1100

Group Transport 2000

Rufous-Necked Lark

Lesson 8: Conservation & Graduation

You may not have known it, but birds are crucial for healthy ecosystems. With their habitats shrinking and populations decreasing worldwide due to human activities. Explore how important these creatures are and the simple steps you can take for bird conservation efforts today!

Later on, THE UTMOST highlight of this course is the Graduation Ceremony. Awards and Certificate to all participants 

Venue: Nairobi National Park, Game Drive Tour

Price: Group Transport 3000

Itineraries to be shared with Participants of the program.

Each lesson has a particular price. please refer to the Course Preparation Trips 

Please refer to our Terms & Conditions 

What does a lifer mean in birding?

Lifer. Definition: a first-time sighting for a birder.

A birder is someone who habitually spends time looking for and studying birds. Lifers have seen the first-time sighting of many different species, which allows them to be an expert on these feathered friends!

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