Sleeping Warrior & Ugali Hill Hike


Sleeping Warrior & Ugali Hill Hike

Location of Sleeping Warrior & Ugali Hills 

Sleeping Warrior and Ugali Hills lie on the Kenya Central Great Rift Valley floor. In particular Kikopey in Gilgil, Kenya. They are just two of the three mountains of Soysambu Conservancy. Notably, this is about 136 kilometers northwest of Nairobi. In the same way, about 25 kilometers southeast of Nakuru. 

History & Naming of Sleeping Warrior

The hills obtain their names from their resemblance to specific objects. Sleeping Warrior Hill looks like a man lying down on his back. Some locals believe that it is the bust of the late, great Maasai warrior. The famous Oloibon. Similarly, others believe it is the figure of the late Lord Delamere. The late Lord Delamere was one of the first settlers in Kenya. Sleeping Warrior Hill is about 2200 Metres Asl. 

On the other hand, Ugali Hill resembles the traditional Kenyan maize flour meal, Ugali. The Horse Shoe Crater is another name for Ugali Hill. Consequently, Sleeping Warrior Hill is about 2340 Metres Asl. Saucer Hill is the third mountain of the three Soysambu Conservancy Mountains. Combining the three hills is possible if you are energetic enough. However, on this trek, we will be taking on two among them. The Ugali Hills and Sleeping warrior hill.

The Lord Cole Monument 

Late Lord Cole was a British settler who came to Kenya. He was staying around Lake Elementaita, and when he died. A monument was built in his memory. The hiking trail leads us to this monument. In addition, The monument gives a very scenic view of Lake Elelemetaita.

Wildlife & Landscape Scenery

Sleeping Warrior and Ugali Hills are beautiful hills that overlook Lake Elementaita. Lake Elementaita is a shallow, alkaline lake. Besides the mountains, Soysambu Conservancy is a crucial site in conservation matters. In brief, it is home to over 410 Species of Birds. Lake Elementaita is a haven for Bird watchers and nature lovers. Moreover, it is home to buffaloes, Zebras, Antelopes, and Giraffes. For that reason, Soysambu Conservancy is of international importance. For this reason, it is relevant due to

  • It is part of the Kenya Lakes System World Heritage Site
  • Lake Elementeita is an Important Bird Area (IBA)
  • Being part of the Lake Elmenteita Ramsar Site 

Hike Details| Trekking Distance & What to Carry

Join us on a fantastic hike to Sleeping Warrior and Ugali Hills in Kenya. Sleeping Warrior & Ugali Hill Trek explores the shores of Lake Elementaita. Ascends the Sleeping Warrior Hill and summits Ugali Hill for a picturesque view that will take your breath away.

The hike starts at the shore of Lake Elementaita, proceeding to Sleep Warrior Hill. Ugali Hills is higher than Sleeping Warrior Hill. Hence, we begin with Sleeping Warrior to allow the bodies to acclimatize properly. Finally, we proceed with the trek through the thorny ascent to Ugali Hills Summit. The trail is also rocky and with loose soil. Therefore, a Hiking Boot with an excellent grip is an advantage during this trek. Ugali Hills’ summit gives a bird’s view of the Soysambu Conservancy. Trekking Distance is about Twenty (21)kilometers. Hiking time from start to completion is about three to six hours. 

What to Carry for Sleeping Warrior & Ugali Hill Hike

  1. Comfortable hiking boots with an excellent grip
  2. Hiking pants/trousers
  3. Long-sleeved hiking t-shirt
  4. Light down jacket
  5. Plenty of drinking water, at least 3 liters
  6. Sunhat, Sunscreen, Sunglasses
  7. Cameras
  8. Any personal medication / Personal first aid items
  9. Day Pack /Small Bag to carry your items
  10. Enough Snacks, fruits, sandwiches, and energy bars to last the hike.
  11. Rain Gear, in case it rains. i.e., Rain Coat/Poncho/Rain Trousers if available.
  12. Mornings can be cold, so have a warm Jacket.
  13. An identification card or passport
  14. Tip for guides, rangers, and crew

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