Nairobi Animal Orphanage – Nairobi National Park

Nairobi Animal Orphanage is a haven for rescued, orphaned, or injured Kenyan wildlife animals. This sanctuary, which lies within the vast Nairobi National Park. Just like humans, even animals experience trauma. Hence, the Orphanage provides a nurturing environment for injured and orphaned animals. Importantly, offering them a chance to recover and thrive.

As you embark on your Kenya Jungle Safari, ensure you include a visit to the Animal Orphanage in your itinerary. This unique destination is home to various captivating wildlife. To list; lions, cheetahs, and hyenas to rare Sokoke cats, warthogs, and even buffalo. You can also watch Birds. Some birds to expect to include parrots, guinea fowls, crowned cranes, and ostriches.

Nairobi Animal Orphanage activities

Wildlife Photography Opportunities

The orphanage presents countless opportunities for up-close encounters. Unique photo angles and observation of animal behavior. As a beginner, sharpening your photography skills at the Nairobi Orphanage will elevate your appreciation of wildlife photography. The proximity to the animals and the contrasting backdrops of urban cityscapes and lush greenery make for an unparalleled setting to hone your wildlife photography skills.

Nairobi Animal Orphanage activities include Wildlife photography, birdwatching Game viewing in a zoo setting. If you aspire to become a wildlife photographer, this Is a good place to start. The orphanage setting allows you to study wildlife behavior at close range. Nairobi Animal Orphanage is the best place to visit with kids. It’s truly a fun place for Kids in Nairobi and wildlife enthusiasts. Other wildlife fun places for kids in Nairobi include; the Giraffe Center Karen, David Sheldrick elephant orphanage, and Paradise Lost in Kiambu.

What is the best time to visit the animal orphanage in Nairobi?

The best time is Between 1400 Hours to 1500 Hours is a good time to see the animals as they are fed. Nairobi Education Centre Animal Orphanage is Opens Daily (including public holidays) from 0800 Hours to 1800 Hours. To Book, Reach out to us to Book a guided experience, to have an interpretative understanding of wildlife. 

Nairobi Animal park Photos and Videos

Nairobi Animal Orphanage Contacts

+254 729 257 317

+254 734 417 496

[email protected]

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