Mount Kenya Beginners Fitness training program

Mt Kenya Beginners Fitness training program

Mt Kenya’s beginners Fitness training program is the best way to get in shape. Specifically for people who want to climb Mount Kenya in mind! Beginners or persons that dream of climbing Mt Kenya but have little hiking experience.

Climbing Mt Kenya is a dream many people have, but few achieve. It’s not as easy as it looks and requires preparation and planning before you set off. Finding a good training program for Mount Kenya can also be hard. Our fitness training program will help you train for your climb and guarantee your success on the summit day. We’ll take care of everything for you. All you need to bring is yourself! And we’ll be there every step of this journey with our expert guidance and support services.

We’ve included everything you need: hiking, Preparation trips, Free gear, and equipment advice. So you will be super ready by the time your trip comes around. Our expert trainers will be there every step of the way, helping you reach your goals faster than ever! You’ll feel confident while at it.

Improve Your General Fitness

Train to improve your general fitness and strength before the climb. There are several ways to achieve this.

Hiking Preparation trips

Our program has well-organized treks arranged for you. The goal is to help you improve your agility, endurance, and Altitude gain capacity before the climb. The program includes Fourteen (14) hiking preparation hikes. The hiking preparation trips for Mount Kenya start from easy intermediate to difficult. Hiking preparation trips start with three beginner trips. Four (4) Intermediate hiking preparation trips follow. The last section of hiking preparation trips includes challenging trips. These trips are excellent for building endurance and acclimatization connections.

Prep-Hikes Prior Experience and Fitness before the major climb is Key. The course requires a moderate fitness level. This training seeks to achieve endurance and acclimatization connection. The training starts with small treks and advances from moderate to challenging. The preparation hikes will enhance your training experience as you enjoy the bliss of mother nature. If you have any health conditions talk to us before commencing the course. 

Fitness and acclimatization connection 

All the other hikes from number five will focus on

  • Endurance; Improving Endurance
  • Strength: Focus is on improving total body strength, not only at better performance on the mountain but also on improving overall energy management
  • Fitness and acclimatization connection to ensure team members focus on all the aspects of total fitness

The following are the Hiking preparation trips under Mt Kenya beginners Fitness training program

  1. Tigoni Twin Waterfalls Chase
  2. Gatamaiyu Waterfalls Chase
  3. Ragia Forest & Waterfalls Chase
  4. Kimakia Forest Bathing Trek
  5. Gatangu Waterfalls Chase Trek
  6. Kihuri Riverline Trek & Jungle Swim
  7. Njigari Waterfalls Chase
  8. Mount Kipipiri 3,349 m, 10,987.5 ft
  9. Elephant Hills 3,657.6 meters 12,000Ft
  10. Table Mountain Aberdares 3,781m, 12,405 ft
  11. Seven Ponds, Aberdares Kenya 3,840 m 12,598 ft
  12. Rurimeria Hill, 3,860m, 12,664 ft
  13. Mackinders Hike
  14. Mount Satima Moorland Trek

Tips for Mount Kenya training program:

  • Rest when the body needs to. If you miss one of the workouts during a week, don’t attempt to make it up. Move on with the schedule.
  • Try not to miss any hiking preparation trips as much as possible. Practicing severally will help you to build endurance and acclimatization connection. Do even more at your capacity.

Cardiovascular and Physical Fitness 

To realize General fitness and strength, you need more than hiking; engage your body in many cardiovascular activities to improve your general wellness. Gym workouts, swimming, running, long-distance, and rock climbing, will help you improve.

Mental Preparedness

A positive mindset goes hand in hand with physical fitness. Your mind must believe that you can. Anticipate new challenges and scenarios. Every trail is different from the others. Similarly, the experiences are also different.

Mount Kenya Gears and Equipment

Your safety while at the mountain starts with the gear & Equipment. Learn how to layer and dress while on the mountain. Get quality gear between now and the day of the climb. We are offering FREE consultations on gear & Equipment. Make the RIGHT choice.

Mountain Kenya Gears & Equipment Checklist  

Anxiety and excitement can sometimes distract you while packing. You may end up leaving essential items that you need during the climb. Please use this checklist to Shop but also make sure you don’t leave anything while packing.

Refer to well-prepared lit for Gear and equipment to pack for the Mountain. Click the link below.


We will provide paramedic services; however, you should always have a personal emergency kit.  

Snacks & Hydration  for Mount Kenya

If you are summiting Mount Kenya or Kilimanjaro at the crack of dawn. You will be walking in the middle of the night. For us to enjoy sunrise at the summit, we must follow this early schedule. Waking up very early, particularly after a full day of trekking, is challenging enough. High altitudes are bloody cold, and of course, the higher you go, the colder it becomes. Mostly, the appetite is tiny. Hence, fueling at regular intervals will enable you to keep moving. Importantly, to remain focused over a long approach to the summit. Get a variety of granola bars and energy snacks that are easy to pack and eat on the go.

Mount Kenya Route & Itinerary

There are several different trekking routes up Mt Kenya. Unlike other routes, the Chogoria route Is the most scenic of them all. For this challenge, we’ve chosen the Chogoria route. The climb option includes five and four days. The route will take you through the features of Mount Kenya. They include

  • Lake Ellis,
  • Lake Michaelson
  • Nithi Waterfalls
  • Mugi Hills
  • Giants Billiards
  • Table Mountain
  • The Gate
  • Gorge Valley
  • The Temple
  • Hall Tarns
  • Point Lenana and other features of Mt Kenya.

We desire every person’s journey up Mount Kenya to be enjoyable. If you want to climb Mt. Kenya or know somebody who does. Think about how much easier your hike will be with a little bit of preparation ahead of time. Sign Up NOW

Contact u at 0729 257 317 or 0721957 652
[email protected]

4 thoughts on “Mount Kenya Beginners Fitness training program

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