Kihuri forest lies in Othaya Nyeri County. About 125km north of Nairobi city. Kihuri is part of the southern Aberdare National Park block. The hiking track commences at the Othaya …
Discover the history of this fantastic City on a walking tour with a local guide. The tour will include many sites such as historic buildings, museums, churches, and parks. See why this is one of the best cities in Africa to visit!
Meta Description: If you’re looking for a breathtaking hiking experience, look no further than the majestic Njigari Forest. With two powerful waterfalls and a bamboo section, this trek is not to be missed!
Ngare Ndare Forest is a haven of natural beauty, lies at the foothills of Mt. Kenya. With its glistening azure pools, waterfalls, and 200-year-old trees. The forest is a vital migration
Ragia Forest Hike is an ideal outdoor adventure scenic trail that winds through the bamboo forest and offers stunning views of Elephant Hill. +254 729 257 317 or +254 734 …
Location & How To Get To Mt Kipipiri At the heart of the Kinangop plateau, which is found in the Aberdare Ranges, sits this beautiful volcanic mountain in the Wanjohi …
Bird watching is an outdoor activity that people of all ages can enjoy. The sound of birds chirping in the morning is enough to make anyone feel alive. Suppose you’re looking for more Outdoor ways to enjoy nature, reduce stress, or have a happier and healthier life. In that case, this course could be just what your body needs!
Rurimueria hill stands at an elevation of 3,860m, equivalent to 12,670ft. Compared to other mountains in the Aberdare National Park, Ruremeria is the third-highest. Mount Satima takes the lead with 4001 meters (13126.6ft). Mount Kinangop is the second highest. Stands at 3,907 meters (12,815.5 ft).
About Mt Kilimambogo. Mt Kilimambogo is a Maasai name meaning “the big mountain.” The phrase Kilimambogo” means a mountain of buffaloes or Ol Donyo Sabuk by Maasai pastoralists. It straddles …